Getting Started

5 minute guide to using FreeCONF today.

Step 1.) Get the source

From an active Go project with go command in the PATH run this command

go get

Install latest Python package.

pip install
fc-lang-install -v

The fc-lang-install script should not need root and simply downloads a single file containing FreeCONF core to ~/.freeconf/bin.

Step 2.) Create a basic YANG file

Create file ./hello.yang to describe your application management.

module hello {
	leaf message {
		type string;

Step 3.) Create an application

There is a lot of flexibility on how you initialize RESTCONF, here is one way.

Create file main.go

package main

import (


// This is not specific to restconf, just example data structure for your
// application
type MyApp struct {
	Message string

func main() {
	// your app instance
	app := MyApp{}

	// where to find YANG files
	ypath := source.Any(source.Path("."), restconf.InternalYPath)

	// organize modules.
	d := device.New(ypath)

	// register your application module. you can register as many as you want here.
	//   param 1 - name of the module, "hello.yang" must exist in ypath
	//   param 2 - code that connects (bridges) from your App to yang interface
	//             there are many options in nodeutil package to base your
	//             implementation on.  Here we use reflection because our yang file aligns
	//             with out application data structure.
	rootNode := nodeutil.Reflect{}.Object(&app)
	d.Add("hello", rootNode)

	// select RESTCONF as management protocol. gNMI is option as well

	// this will apply configuration and starting RESTCONF web server
	if err := d.ApplyStartupConfigFile("./startup.json"); err != nil {

	select {}

Create file

from freeconf import restconf, source, device, parser, node, source, nodeutil
from threading import Event

# Represents a basic python application. There are no requirements imposed
# by FreeCONF on how you develop your application
class MyApp:
    def __init__(self):
        self.message = None

app = MyApp()

# The remaining is FreeCONF specific and shows how to build a management interface
# to your python application

# specify all the places where you store YANG files
ypath = source.any(
    source.path("."),                   # director to your local *.yang files
    source.restconf_internal_ypath()    # required for restconf protocol support

# load and validate your YANG file(s)
mod = parser.load_module_file(ypath, "hello")

# device hosts one or more management "modules" into a single instance that you
# want to export in the management interface
dev = device.Device(ypath)

# connect your application to your management implementation.
# there are endless ways to to build your management interface from code generation,
# to reflection and any combination there of.  A lot more information in docs.
mgmt = nodeutil.Node(app)

# connect parsed YANG to your management implementation.  Browser is a powerful way
# to dynamically control your application can can be useful in unit tests or other contexts
# but here we construct it to serve our management API
b = node.Browser(mod, mgmt)

# register your app management browser in device.  Device can hold any number of browsers

# select RESTCONF as management protocol. gNMI is option as well or any custom or 
# future protocols
s = restconf.Server(dev)

# this will apply configuration including starting the RESTCONF web server

# simple python trick to wait until ctrl-c shutdown

Step 4.) Create a startup config

Create this file with static configuration for your application and accompanying RESTCONF server in the file startup.json

    "fc-restconf" : {
        "web" : {
            "port": ":8080"
    "hello" : {
        "message" : "hello"

Step 5.) Startup your application

go run ./main.go

python3 ./

Step 6.) Test your API

# read data
curl http://localhost:8080/restconf/data/hello:

# set data
curl -X PATCH -d '{"message":"goodbye"}' http://localhost:8080/restconf/data/hello:

# read back new data
curl http://localhost:8080/restconf/data/hello:


That’s it. See YANG Primer for more information on the YANG modeling langage and Basic Components on to integrate with your existing code base.