gNMI server

Adding gNMI server-side support to your application

gNMI is a alternative communication protocol to RESTCONF by]( You might use gNMI over RESTCONF because the services you want to use work with gNMI. With FreeCONF you can easily enable RESTCONF, gNMI or both at the same time.

How to add gNMI server support to your application

file: main.go

package main

import (


// Connect everything together into a server to start up
func main() {

	// Your app here
	app := car.New()

	// where the yang files are stored
	ypath := source.Any(gnmi.InternalYPath, source.Path("../yang"))

	// Device is just a container for browsers.  Needs to know where YANG files are stored
	d := device.New(ypath)

	// Device can hold multiple modules, here we are only adding one
	if err := d.Add("car", car.Manage(app)); err != nil {

	// Select wire-protocol gNMI to serve the device

	// apply start-up config normally stored in a config file on disk
	if err := d.ApplyStartupConfigFile("./startup.json"); err != nil {

	if !*testMode {
		// wait for ctrl-c
		log.Printf("server started")
		select {}

var testMode = flag.Bool("test", false, "do not run in background (i.e. driven by unit test)")

To run this example

git clone fc-examples
cd ./gnmi-server
go run .

Checkout FreeCONF gNMIc examples for interacting with this running service.

To add gNMI support to your Go application

Just add the Go dependency and setup for gnmi.NewServer where ever makes sense to your application.

go get